Portland Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger

Mar 31, 2010

Coco Rocha

Ok, soooo.. IM FINALLY BACK.

I have been having a stressful week but today i turned  in the scholarship essay. Only 2 people were nominated for this LARGE scholarship and i have an interview next week. Im so nervous bc i really really need this. I had to HAND WRITE this scholarship... I HAVE HORRIBLE HANDWRITING! lol, so i plan to kick this interviews ass. What pissed me off was the other girl wrote her essay IN CLASS, WTF? i rewrote mine like 23947298 times lol. STILL LOOKED FUNNY... BUT on the plus side, they reserved  a smaller scholarship if one person doesn't get it, so at least i know i'll walk away with something. I of course am aiming for the bigger something!!!!



  1. wow i love your blog its so cool just wondering if you can follow thanks and again the blog is so up to date and so informing

  2. Dope Post Kid!!!
    Ima Jack Some of these Poses
    lol Check Me Out

  3. Congratulations on your good hard work. I loved it when I saw that second photo and then imagined you kicking ass literally. Hot!

  4. Hiya, i love your header!
    Beautiful cover of Flare!
    Good luck with your essay, and i'm sure your handwriting's fine!

    Have a great week
    Love, Ruth

  5. hey i put you on the blogger of the month award post come check it out @ www.tommythefashionist.blogspot.com

  6. well sounds like you put more effort into your essay than the other girl, good luck girly

  7. thats awesome! at least u aint leavin empty handed, but good luck!


  8. hey your fashion for women is on point, i love the blog, check mine out if you'd like, immaturecentral.blogspot.com, im trying to make a collection of my own clothing, if you'd like to help then be my guest, im dif gonna follow

  9. Good luck girl !! i'm sure you will get it ! I sent a prayer :)

  10. So excited for your scholarship...GOOD LUCK!

    I love the denim and lace, which is normally not me, but hot here!

  11. nice pics and good luck with the schoolarship dealio girl!

  12. Qqdwqdsaas ascaassc fdrewe:
    board of the vessel. There she lay on her beam ends right in the
    Salonika and look how I ended up


I love reading your comments, I will get back to all of them dont forget to leave your link :D

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