Portland Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger

May 5, 2010

I Want Summer

NOW. I mean, i have the weather down.But school is in.. Kind of.Today was my last day but i have a final on Monday and Wednesday. UGH , they shouldn't be hard. Spanish will be the only hard one... I HATE that class. EVERY SEMESTER i get ONE class i just want to die in. Today was a bad day. I woke up late and just been irritated and now i'm alone and bored in my dorm. Ah well. I bring a DOPE post with forever21 fashion again. They have a cute spring lookbook and i LOVE the florals, i just bought some floral things as well :)

I went to Rue21... its very similar to forever21 lol
I got floral leggings, a cute floral top and some oxfords. I need to make a video,
I'll insert it later, im going out... NOW lol.


  1. They are opening up a new rue21 in the mall nearest to me and I definently applied for the job. I know I'll get it. Pray for me (send postive energy my way), it's like my dream job! I love all of the prints, great post.

    my blog: ♥La Stylin Girraffe♥

  2. This is HOT ;D haha

  3. dont ask me why but i hate summer for some reason... i want it to be winter again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  4. I didn't do well in spanish class. Come to find out the spanish ppl I speak to in america don't even speak like that. I just have my spanish friends teach me spanish. I like some of these outfits. The one that stands out the most to me is the girl on the bike with the blue and whit on. I like the tribal patterns.

  5. SO summer !! love this pics

  6. Great lookbook,very girly but nice.I would really appreciate summer arriving right now,but still got over 7 weeks of school. Kind of sucks reallly :/

  7. i love forever 21, love the clothes, and yh the lessons that you just hate got another year of those :)

  8. yea, i don't know why im so excited i have summer school lol.. but ahh well, i'll be in houston :)

  9. AnonymousMay 06, 2010

    the chick on the bike looks f*ckin depressed lol . nice post tho

  10. This is dope! And I cant wait for the summer aswell! Now its like sun,rain,sun,rain ughhh

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I hope your day ended better than it started!

    Rue 21 has some good prices, the outlet store in Hillsboro especially! There used to be one in San Marcos, but it's been a few years since I've been there so I'm not sure it's still there...I can't wait to see the leggings!

  13. i LOVE LOVE LOVE all the stuff you posted from the lookbook

    but what are the chances wed find any of this stuff in f21/
    all i seen was that romper, that looked gross on me


  14. it is pretty impossible to find anything from them but they are good inspiration looks as well


I love reading your comments, I will get back to all of them dont forget to leave your link :D

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