Portland Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger

May 10, 2010

Monday Features

Its usually SUNDAY FEATURES but i was super busy Sunday. As You may know it is FINALS WEEK and I am stressing MAJOR over these damn exams. I had my hardest one today, SPANISH. I ABSOLUTELY hate the teacher of that class. She is is worst teacher i have ever had. I hope i get a B in the class, she NEVER posts grades so i have no clue what i even have in there. UGH, i'm guessing a high C, but i NEED a B. *SIGH.*

ANYWHO, more on finals LATER,
CURRENTLY, LipstickandLabels.com was super sweet and gave me a really cool interview! It is a bit different that other interviews bc its a VIDEO interview soooo CHECK IT OUT! I loved it the girls at L&L are SOOO awesome!

CLick photo or go to http://www.lipstickandlabels.com to view the video :)

ALSO, In BIG news in my great city of Houston i am always networking and have found myself as the new  editor of fashion and beauty for LaBellaDolce's the Honeyspot!  :)

They are a new blog for a organic body care company based in Houston, i contribute about 2 articles a week and beauty reviews :) so don't forget to check them out, THEHONEYSPOT

Their organic body care is so great for those who are hypo-allergenic! They have a giveaway on their blog if you want to enter.

AND FINALS. OMG, i will be kinda absent mostly wednesday bc i will be testing and moving back to houston, im thinking of making a videoblog about me moving so on the car ride home i'll probably film one, ALOT of you weren't following me when i moved in so the videos on that is here. hahah i had like NO followers then.


  1. video interview thats dope. Hopefully you get that B in Spanish.
    KEep the blog up peace

  2. i had my spanish final today too! twas terrible... luckily i've been doing decent all semester so i kinda blew it off lol. but that's no thanks to my professor! i think 99.9% of spanish teachers are made to make our lives a living hell :\

  3. AnonymousMay 10, 2010

    See that is why you are my inspiration though i am sorry about what you got on Spanish finals keep up the good work

  4. AnonymousMay 10, 2010

    shut it up! Editor?? Mara's growing up :)

  5. MALIBU you can not say things like that. she just needs to get her shit together that's all.
    plus i have her next year. damn


  6. believe it or not i have faith that she can work it out. just give it time.
    and i signed up for classes LATE


  7. Very cool! You're getting bigger every day (in a good way!)


I love reading your comments, I will get back to all of them dont forget to leave your link :D

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