You can try your hardest, you can do everything and say everything, but sometimes people just aren't worth trying over anymore, they aren't worth worrying about, it's important to know when to let go of someone who only brings you down.

Regardless how strong you are, there would be time that you want
someone to hug you and just sit beside you and do nothing.

Three simple rules of life:
1. If you do not go after what you want, you will never have it.
2. If you do not ask, then the answer will always be no.
3. If you do not step forward you will always be in the same place.

I have never been strong enough to stay. People say that walking away is the hardest thing to do, but it isn’t. staying, even when you know it will break your heart, is the hardest thing. Staying right where you are, waiting for your entire world to be ripped into pieces is much harder than walking away and starting a new one.

If there's just one piece of advice i can give you, it's this: when there's something you really want, fight for it. Don't give up. No matter how hopeless it seems. And when you've lost hope, ask yourself if ten years from now, you're going to wish you gave it one more shot, because the best things in life, they don't come free.

Your biggest challenge isn't someone else. It's the ache in your lungs, the burning in your legs, and the voice inside you that yells "can't". But you don’t listen.You push harder, you hear the voice that whispers "can". And you discover that the person you thought you were is no match for the one you really are.

love the quote at the end
yes, i know its a philosopher,
im taking philosophy this summer and i like them all, i just don't know who this one is :/
i'll find out sometime this semester
I only know that I am tired of men who didn't dare to try it with me because I am too much! And its not philosophy is reality, despite of this your words make me feel better!
I stayed in a bad relationship i tried everything I could I even begged I stuck through it and he left me anyway and after I was still trying to work it out. he was no good for me! but I "loved him" and now uim tryng my best to let go especially since he isnt worried about me or even cares. so heres a situation when you cant keep trying and getting hurt you just have to move on and let go as painful as it is </3
great post also
I love this post :) Inspired me alot!
this post is sick... especially the quotes! i truly love the one that says u can be strong but there'll come a time wen u need sumone to hug!!! really inspiring
i love the writing.. it was very inspiring and helpful.. i definately will use it in my life
I can relate to that soooo much. Great post.
so great!!
I love the quote! Words to live by!
Great quotes! Sometimes we all need to be reminded to move forward...
Great post!
love your blog, keep it up :D
i want to say this is my favorite post but all your post are my favorite. so i guess defeats the purpose of using favorite but oh well lol. I'm so proud of you. Take the fashion industry by storm!
this is a really good post.i love it!
i love the photos in this post in addition to the inspirational words.. Naturally i like the brave public panty and bra pose in the first photo. The second photo brought memories of the TV series "Charmed" and of summoning powers. The hugging, company, and doing noting sounds nice and the setting in the photo below it is very calming. That fifth photo is really cute and the other two are nice too. Is that a ring??? being worn in that last photo on the lower right? That would get some attention. i like the detail on the blouse in the phot next to it. Sorry i haven't been posting and commenting much lately (naughty me).
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