This years September Vogue US has an amazing photoshoot this month starring A-listers from the modeling world, acting world, fashion world, sports world & even the culinary world with Jourdan Dunn, the Olsens, Usher, Naomi Watts, Eddie Redmayne, Kristen Mcmenamy, Rachel Weisz, La Roux, Dakota Fanning & many more...

great shoot!
Yesss. thanks for reminding me to pick it up! I hate that my Vogue subscription gets messed up in the mail...
i'm so excited to pick up my copy today!
my Vogue get messed up in the mail too, as well as the teen vogue i order :/
Looks good!!!
a great editorial :)
The olsens look sooooo different, I almost didn't recognize them.
Check out my giveaway!!
Such a great shoot! wowww
the diversity of everyone is so cool how it all comes together!
just checked your post on Jay Swag. and came here. ur blog is amazing! u two have the best collaboration idea ever!
Awesome shoot!
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this is an amazing shoot!! cannot wait for FASHION'S NIGHT OUT!
wau good photo!!
hey i really like your blog its dope and i was wondering if you wanted to follow for follow ill follow you if you follow me im trying to reach 150. when you follow me just comment on one of my post letting me know so i can follow you back
super cool .
Oh my GOd...i love it!!!I can't choose my favorite
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