So I've know you for a while now, and OBVIOUSLY love your music, tell us a bit about look right penny.
Look Right Penny is made up of five people: Mariel Diaz-Carrion, Cotee Embry, Ghaith Khder, Ronnie Rios, and Justin Embry. We live in a small town and have high hopes of making it big.
I really want to know, how did you come up with the name?
Our guitarist, Cotee, came up with the name when he laid change out in a row and realized that Abraham Lincoln (on the penny) was the only one that looked right.
How do you explain your sound?
Our sound is progressive with heavy riffs and breakdowns coated with catchy, ballsy melody lines provided by me, a girl. There really isn’t a band out their with our mixture of musical elements so we hope that fact alone will get people’s attention.
What are some of your goals for the band?
We have huge goals for the band. 2011 IS OUR YEAR! We have recently signed a record deal with the independent label, Bieler Bros. Records, from Pompano Beach, Fl. Everyone at the label and all of us in Look Right Penny are going to be working hard trying to provide you guys with music that will blow your mind. We will be recording mid-January and one of our biggest goals at the moment is touring in the summer.
Is there anything you want my readers to know?
I want your readers to know that I absolutely love your blog! I’m proud to know you and I’m glad that the both of us are following our dreams. Thank you so much for the interview and thank you readers for… reading!
You can listen to some of our old songs at: myspace.com/lookrightpenny
But keep an ear out for new songs!
Keep checking them out, I know they are going to make it big, and come to Texas so I can see them live haha :D
Which one of the band members is your friend?
Cool! They sound good, which one is your friend!
Follow my blog!
Confessions Of A City Girl
OH my bad, Mariel is my BFF.
This makes great sense to anyone!
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