Actually no LOL, I feel lost(QUE THE KANYE). SCHOOL STARTS TOMORROW. Yea that's right i've had no school this whole time, BUT I'll be on campus and probably will be using the computer lab (more than I want to) but hey. I have to wait. YES I got my money, its just NOW there aren't any computers available.... that I want. I feel like all the things I wanted FIXED before school started didn't get done.
ANYWAY, hopefully I can do a VIDEOBLOG tomorrow! I have wanted to for a while, I feel so bad about MALIBUMARATV being dead all this time.
It's okay. I completely understand. Cant wait for the vlog :-)
thank you :D
im so frustrated with all this.
thank you :D
im so frustrated with all this.
i can't even wait for Summer 2011
I DIE for that Chanel clutch
nice post
xoxo † Genevieve&Lola.com †
The Chanel clutch is pretty. I'm still enjoying the very first Video Blog you did on YouTube titled: "MalibuMaraTV is Live :)" - I embedded it in my most recent post (hope you don't mind). The short videos are easier to follow when I'm sleep deprived and manifesting symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder.
Good luck with everything in the coming semester. What school is it?
Even without your laptop you've managed to post way, way, more often than I have.
LOVES IT!!! Chanel anything makes my heart pitter patter.
Yes. I said it.
Check out my blog and follow if you like!
Confessions Of A City Girl
[URL=http://videosavers.net/music/5332-summer-activity-vol-3-2010.html]Summer Activity Vol.3 (2010) Скачать видео фильмы, кино, клипы, музыку[/URL] Maupiti Island F1 Grand Prix Imperivm: Great Battles of Rome
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нужно проверить :)
да, что-то на подобии этого
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