At target I saw these, and I want them all.

Oh Huntsville, thank god they built that target shopping center that included a rue21, marshalls, and dollar tree. Can you believe we only had a Walmart? Ugh, I miss Houston,I THINK I'm going home tomorrow. Pho is calling my name, I have a 20 minute presentation to work on, its about FASHION. EPIC. I need to work on it, its due MONDAY!
I love pho! Good thing you guys got target! I love target!
Girl, I feeeel you! I've got Small Town Syndrome for sure! No Target in a 6 hour drive radius! Lols. I miss Vegassss!
6 hours!
AHHH i thought 35 minutes was bad!
I will never complain again, BUT online shopping is fun, its like Xmas :D
WAAAAA!!! Lovely!! JUMP around my arm!
(I accidentally deleted your comment :( So didn't got the chance to read it. CLEVER; I know. GO BACK GO BACK :p)
Following now. Cause ... another OH post x
I like studded bracelets!!! :D U should buy one of them!!
I want the black and gold one....;)
These are fantastic! I would love them all, especially the studded ones. Great find.
This is all so awesome!
I had no idea Target had cute bracelets like that. I must start going into that store
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