Yessss, its cold outside! I can finally be comfortable and warm, and pull out fall fashion. Here in Texas the weather is always changing, so layers are my best friend. Side note: I am about to start making my own vests and cardigans, I saw this easy pattern making for one on Chris March, Mad Fashion. I'm inspired! But anyway, enjoy my layers inspiration!

Its about 55 degrees outside :) I didn't get to enjoy it however, class got cancelled because my teacher was sick. Oh and in other news, I went to a Zumba class. Zumba will be my new Tuesday/Thursday thing :)
I'm right there with you! I feel like I've been waiting forever to layer and I'm already digging through the "winter closet!"
PS-I'm a huge fan of Zumba! (I just discovered it this summer.)
those scarves are cool but i dont know wh would wear it in real life.
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