My work sched. is all kinds of messed up lately. I will be mainly closing until my internship is over, and it's just all kind of wack. Its been wack. But whatever. Lets just say I'm glad it's almost over :) I've haven't had the best experience. I am done on April 14, I will look for a real world job! Annnd maybe get a side job working like 10-15 hrs, nothing crazy. I'm exhausted. I need time off and to myself. When it comes to school YES my Spanish grade transferred BUT when they did it they accidentally deleted my correspondence course -_____- I emailed them and they said they are investigating what happened. UM, this investigation better lead to someone losing their job. I'm not playing any games when it comes to graduating. This isn't the time to accidentally lose credits or whatever. I have been talking with them nicely, but as the time to graduation gets shorter, so will my temper. I bought my cap and gown, my grad announcements are here, I am taking my senior pictures on Tuesday and I booked a room for my grad party already. I pretty much have my outfits ready for pics, graduation, and my grad party, but as fashion changes, so might my mind.
SO far I like the things I have picked out. But yep, that's pretty much my update, things are ironing out. I just hope everything falls into place.