After hearing of the passing of MCA, I mentioned on twitter that I love Beastie Boys. My earliest music memories were a mix of Beastie Boys, Spice Girls, No Doubt and NSYNC. Weird mix I know.Singing intergalactic, Body Movin', and Sabotage will forever be a hilarious embarrassing memory. I think the Beastie Boys made me like New York. They all seem so awesome. No one has anything bad to say about Yauch. Everyone in the industry is mentioning how sweet and talented he was. He was also a Buddhist, and interviewed the Dalai Lama. I'm pretty gutted that MCA is no longer making dope music for all of us. HOWEVER, the point of life isn't to live forever, but to make something that does. Thanks for the ILL music. Triple trouble for life.

Adam "MCA" Yauch 1964-2012