-I got my Free Press Summer Fest tickets in the mail where I will rock out to Zedd, Wu-Tang, Childish Gambino, DMX, and more. May 31-June 1 where you at?
-I met Maggie Semple, more info on her later. She is from London and was in the states. We had a lovely chat, she even gave me her book. Stay Tuned.
-Being a foodie, food trucks are a way of life. They are parking closer and closer to our corporate office, so instead of walking to My Fit Foods like a good girl... sometimes I get distracted. I COULD NOT RESIST when I saw the waffle bus parked on my way to My Fit Foods. If you haven't heard me mention the waffle bus before (HERE), its the amazingness of chicken and waffles--as a sandwich.
-I bought my mommy awesome colorful flowers for mother's day.
-Did I mention I'm in love with my Blake Griffin socks? Ok.
You can buy your favorite players at most foot locker locations or online, if you like Blake Griffin like I do, you can buy them HERE.
1 comment
Those flowers in the center of the bottom row of images are gorgeous!
I checked my Blogger dashboard. Either Blogger goofed or you skipped down a little to far when you left your comment - Your comment intended for my May 6th post titled "Shadowline and Victorias Secret Lingerie Fashion OOTDs and Reviews with Dressing Room Selfie Photos and Video with Blooper" is instead entered the April 3rd post titled "Fbloggers Lingerie Fashion OOTDs and Reviews of Vanity Fair Ravissant Full Briefs" all the way at the bottom of the first main page. I'd love it if you reposted it under the recent post, but even if you don't, thank you for the first effort!!!!!!!!!!
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