Portland Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger

Sep 1, 2015


*This is a sponsored post in partnership with Office Depot, Inc and Her Campus Media. All words and opinions are my own. Thank you for partnering with me on this post!

September basically solidifies the idea of back to school, fall, football, and pumpkin spice. When it comes to school (or life in my case) I like to stay very organized! You can do it with me with all of the things featured in the post. The cool thing is you can find all of these items at Office Depot, OfficeMax or officedepot.com.

I haven't been to office depot in a long time, so can I tell that you I have been missing out. Here is a fun sercret for cute supplies for College-- OFFICE DEPOT is where its at. 
I grabbed a ton of  supplies to organize my desk and they were very affordable. Divoga is an office depot brand and this Gold Struck Fashion collection immediately caught my eye. The mint even matches back to my Ban.do planner. These are perfect for college! Mint, Gold and Black? Are these colors on trend, or what?
The best way for me to organize in College was to devote a spiral and folder to each class that way I could keep all notes in order, and then I would write all due dates/important dates in my planner. 

I also found things that made me feel very 90's again and had to buy them. A puffy pen? I'll be the envy of all business meetings. Cupcake post-its? Perfect to scribble little notes to yourself!

What are my desk must haves to stay organized in College?
File folders for each class- Super easy to store the syllabus or file notes so you don't lose them for the final. 
Note cards- I made flash cards for everything. Ya girl has a great memory!
Notebooks/ Folders for each class- Separate folders help me keep my classes and notes in order. There are times when the classes might over lap and its easy to merge them in your head! This kind of helped me "leave" the class in its own place so I would never get confused. 
Cute Pens This might be priority number one. Who doesn't have a favorite pen? OK-- as a (former) design student this was important. The pentel with that felt ball point tip was perfect for sketching croquis!!! Don't let someone borrow your good pen, sketching will never be the same.

You can Follow Office Depot below:

#Gearupforcollege with Office Depot. They have a ton of great trends and at an affordable price for college students, if you need any last minute supplies this is the perfect place to head to!


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