Portland Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger

Sep 7, 2015

Labor Day: But I Still Wear White Year Round

This is unrelated, but I do want to mention that I think the idea of not wearing white after Labor Day is so antiquated. So no, I don't believe in that, and yes I will still wear white.
But anyway, what have I been up to? I have had a full 5day weekend. I had food poisoning! Much to my out fault, but omg it was not a great experience. Nope. So besides trying to not be weak, its been a pretty lame weekend. 
I did want to share my nails and my long time obsession with the evil eye. I did a small ode to Meelo, he always winked. This was perfectly done at Dripped Nails in Montrose, Houston. 

Toshi met Luna. She beat him up!
Too Cute. I just can't. 

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