Okay you guys, the con is literally right here! I feel so unprepared but since it's my third time going we have a little bit of a system going. I just wanted to share 5 quick tips that helped us along the way because it is sensory overload! Kyle and I love our movies and TV shows. I think many people think of comic con and only think of anime and comic books and total nerds. There are plenty of those there but for people who love TV and Movies, you are in for the biggest treat ever! The panels are always full of the biggest movie stars and most popular TV shows! It's a chance to get exclusives on everything to merch, movie and tv show trailers, and sometimes sneak peeks of new seasons of popular shows, or anticipated movies!
So are you headed to Comic Con? Check out these 5 tips to help you prepare for the Wrath of Con!
Temperature next week should be a low of 65 and a high of 78. This is heaven. Houston is at about 100 degrees every.damn.day. I CAN'T WAIT. |
1. If you are from out of town, make a folder with all of the things you need for your trip! Print your flight information, hotel information, badges, and any other
important documents you may need for your stay. We book every year though On Peak (used to be Travel Planners). I am paranoid so I print my documents with my deposit paid so that I can back up the fact I have a reservation in place if needed! Bad things haven't happened so far but it is the worst time to try to find a hotel last minute so its better to be safe than sorry! This year we were kind of screwed when it came to a hotel, we got literally the last choice and it only has 3 stars. The resort claims to be renovating but lawdddd. The reviews scare me. Remember that shuttles run to the convention and your hotels every 30 minutes! So you basically always have free ride but depending where your hotel is, it might be a long wait just because of all of the stops. I usually stay further out (like 10 miles) just because hotels super close are at least $200 more a night, and over the course of 5 days, that shit adds up. Staying further out can mean an hour on the shuttle just because of all the stops you make.
2. Find a comfy pair of
sneakers to wear, or if your like my BF 4 so you have one for every day. We walk at least 10 miles a day during the con, so be prepared.
3. With that being said, bring a
backpack with you! All the freebies, handouts, merch, random crap you buy adds up! This year I invested in a Superdry bag and the straps are super comfy, plus its really stylish. I also like to keep a small re-useable canvas tote inside the backpack to carry any thing extra if needed, plus its easier access reach into a tote bag.
4. When you arrive to San Diego you need to be sure to make one stop.
GO TO RALPH'S! Ralph's is basically Kroger. Stock up on water and snacks because convention prices be trippin. With all of the outdoor fun and walking you do, you will thank yourself. Plus with the money you save you can buy that random thing you want from the con.
5. Get a
Game Plan together. Besides what goes on inside the convention, there are a ton of things to do outside the convention center! Make a check list by day and time of some of the things you want to do while you are there. It helps to include details like where the event is and what time that way you have some options incase you try to check out an event and they are already at capacity. The more on your list the better.
See you there! I'll try to blog , but most of my updates will come from my Instagram-
@malibumara and Twitter -
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