Portland Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger

Jan 28, 2018


As much as I am sent a few things to talk about on my blog, I also like to roam around stores and look at what's new. I was roaming around target and I came across a new body polish from Dove. I was kind of craving something along the lines of Lush or Harper + Ari but I am trying to stack my paper this year. At 5.99, this dove body polish found its way into my cart, home and heart.
It's important to exfoliate your skin. This dove scrub is recommended 3-4 times a week. I've been working out more regular than normal. I feel like last year didn't count. I didn't stick to a good schedule and I am looking a few lbs heavier than before. I began by blaming the fact I don't get to walk my dog every day anymore but that's not a fair excuse. I just need to take my ass to the gym more often.
After some intense workouts this scrub is the best pick me up because I can often feel soooo grimey after a good gym sesh.
Dove makes 3 flavors of this concoction but I went with crushed macadamia and rice milk. I love a good rice pudding/ horchata so this vibe was my favorite. There are two more that you can shop below, all from target. I think in the summer I will give the Kiwi Aloe one a try. I just know the pomegranate one smells fab. I am really into not having multiples of things around, so those scents will have to wait until I am finished with my current tub. It's a pretty good size too! 

Treatyoself, Get that self care Sunday going! I just like the way the crushed macadamia feels on my skin, you have got to try it. I also love these scrubs because fairly recently we learned how detrimental microbeads are to the oceans and the environment. This is a step in the right direction when it comes to cutting down on plastic. When I am done with this tub I will definitely rinse and recycle it, but do you want to learn more ways to reduce your impact?
Stay tuned. Wednesday I will be sharing 5 ways to reduce your impact in ways that you might not be thinking about. I'll explain, it's a good one.



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