Portland Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger

Feb 14, 2018

Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentines Day!
I spent the weekend doing a proper galentines dinner! It's kind of annoying being in an LDR bc all everyone is doing is talking about date nights. I wanted to do something with people I enjoy being around, so that was that. I wore this adorable jumpsuit from a Target x Isani collab. I found it at a thrift store but I knew it had to be mine!
Linked below are really cute pick me up items. Aesthetically, they fit into today. But in real life, they are the perfect addition to everything.

Today is also the start of Lent. It's Ash Wednesday and I am committing to working out 5 days a week. It is something I want to stick to beyond lent, but something I need to stock to because once lent is over beach szn begins! For me at least. 
And to think, it snowed here last night!



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