Portland Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger

May 2, 2018


I don't know if I will get used to May not being hot AF. Its been gloomy for the past week in Portland. Since I got back from vacation I haven't really had a minute to keep my head above water. There are a lot of things changing around me at work, life, and I have a lot going on in my head with my side projects. I think on vacation I finally, after like 5 years, took a minute to just live. Isn't that sad? I kind of thought about what I wanted to do, what I would rather be doing, what I can do but don't. I was joking a lot about 2018 being the year of "Living my best life." but its kinda true.
I think its time to do more of the things I have always wanted to do but haven't. That is so vague... I promise it will start to make sense.


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