Portland Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger

Aug 13, 2018

INFINITE PLAYLIST: August, the Sunday of Summer.

Is school starting? Why are there fall scents at the store? Stop asking me about holiday break!
It's still 90 degrees and OMG its infinite summer in my head. I typically host a segment on here called Music Monday, but I am converting it to Infinite Playlist. I recently (what took me so long) watched Nick and Norah's infinite playlist and I kind of miss the days of making CDs. Monthly playlists here we go:


It was cute that he made cover art and she fell in love with all of his tracks. I listened to this playlist recently on a trip to the coast and it went over pretty well. If you are looking for some easy listening that is pretty chill, and honestly is my total mood... this is it. My music choice is often is a reflection of what I'm going through or tracks to pump me up. This is 35 tracks, two hours and five minutes of pure JAMMMMSSS.

Also, quick throwback... I used to make mixtapes of my fave songs and post them to soundcloud (WOW). I published them all to mediafire (WAIT...) and accidentally lost them all forever. They're all on an iPod--OH MY GOD IM DONE HERE IS MY PLAYLIST.


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